The Bible is clear about the Second Coming. He gives you ears so the Spirit can direct you, but you have to listen. The Lord gives you ears to hear when you are saved, spiritual ears to hear what the Lord is saying, to hear from the Lord through His Word. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith (Revelation 2:7).

But why listen to them, why give attention to the devil? The Bible tells us to listen to what the Spirit is saying. Some ministers are deceived, putting out books denying the Rapture. Doubting the Rapture Is Doubting God’s Word Are you a member of the bridal company, a part of the Bride of Christ? If you’re not, you definitely can be, but there are preparations to be made. Many, many people make up the bridal company. Every time you find the Bride in the Old Testament’s types and shadows, how gracious, how wonderful, how powerful she is! Today she’s no longer in types and shadows today she’s the Bride of Christ in all living reality. In type and shadow in the Song of Solomon, Jesus is looking on the Bride with eyes of love and saying, Thou art all fair, my love there is no spot in thee (Song of Solomon 4:7). Get rid of them now when the Rapture takes place it will be too late. How can you be that pure? By yielding to the Spirit of deliverance, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that you won’t make the Rapture unless you get rid of the spots, the wrinkles and the blemishes. Jesus is coming after a people who are without spot, wrinkle, blemish or any such thing. Rapture-conscious, running after the Lord, not after the world, you must be everything He desires you to be. Then seven years later at the third coming, Jesus will fight the Battle of Armageddon, bringing to a close the Tribulation Period, defeating the Antichrist, the Antispirit, the devil himself and all his followers. Some people say the word Rapture is not in the Bible, but to be caught up or caught away means the same thing. In midair the Bride will be caught up to meet Him: the Rapture. In the second appearance yet to take place, the Bible teaches that Jesus will not come all the way to the earth. In the first appearance, He came as the Babe of Bethlehem. The Bible tells us of three appearances of Christ.